

In November 2022, Singapore submitted (i) its second update to the 2030 NDC, (ii) an Addendum to Singapore's Long-Term Low-Emissions Development Strategy (LEDS) and (iii) its fifth Biennial Update Report (BUR) to the UNFCCC.

In the second update and addendum, Singapore raised its climate targets to reduce 2030 emissions to 60MtCO2e after peaking emissions earlier and to achieve net zero emissions by 2050. The fifth BUR is currently undergoing technical analysis and its summary report is expected to be published by 2023.

The Singapore goverment adopts a multi-pronged approach (legislation, incentives/grants,international collaboration) in the mitigation and adaptation efforts taken.

In Feb 2021, Singapore government also put together a ten-year plan called the Singapore Green Plan 2030. The Green Plan is a whole-of-nation sustainable development agenda, with firm action plans, touching on almost every dimension of our lives.

Development status

Energy Conservation Act
Carbon Pricing Act
Submission of Second Update to 2030 NDC and Addendum to Long-Term Low-Emissions Development Strategy (LEDS) document to UNFCCC

Law, decree, ordinance, etc

Energy Conservation Act, 2013

The Energy Conservation Act (ECA) came into force on 22 Apr 2013 to mandate energy efficiency requirements and energy management practices to promote energy conservation, improve energy efficiency and reduce environmental impact for industrial facilities*.

Carbon Pricing Act, 2019

The Carbon Pricing Act (CPA) and its accompanying Regulations came into force on 1 Jan 2019. The Act gives effect to the carbon tax and also incorporates the greenhouse gas (GHG) measurement and reporting (M&R) requirements for industrial facilities* which were previously under the Energy Conservation Act.

*Industrial facilities refers to the following sectors: -
- Manufacturing and manufacturing-related services
- Supply of electricity, gas, steam, compressed air and chilled water for air-conditioning
- Water supply, and sewage and waste management

Voluntary actions by non-state actors

EENP Awards

The EENP Awards were set up by the National Environment Agency, Energy Market Authority and the Singapore Economic Development Board in 2011 to recognize Energy Efficiency National Partnership (EENP) partners for their efforts and achievements in improving energy efficiency.

Concentrate Manufacturing (Singapore) Pte Ltd

Reduced energy intensity from 0.35kWh/kg in 2018 to 0.196kWh/kg in Jun 21, effectively reducing their energy intensity by 44% since 2018

Containers Printers Pte Ltd

Set a goal to reduce energy consumption by 5% and carbon emissions by 10% by the year 2023

Sunseap Solutions Pte Ltd

Voluntary action led to more than 1,584 tonnes of CO2 reduced per year

CCD (Singapore) Pte Ltd

Voluntary action led to carbon abatement of 1900 tonnes per year


Singapore Revised 2030 NDC and Addendum to the Long-Term Low-Emissions Strategy, 2022

Singapore Revised 2030 NDC and Addendum to the Long-Term Low-Emissions Strategy, 2022


Singapore's Second Update of its First Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) and Accompanying Information, 2022

Singapore's Second Update of its First Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) and Accompanying Information, 2022


Singapore Green Plan 2030, 2021

Singapore Green Plan 2030, 2021


Carbon Pricing Act, 2019

Carbon Pricing Act, 2019

a) Measurement and Reporting Requirements for Greenhouse Gas Emissions


b) Verification and Accrediation Requirements


Singapore's National Communications and Biennial Update Reports, 2000 - 2022

Singapore's National Communications and Biennial Update Reports, 2000 - 2022


Office in charge

Carbon Mitigation
Carbon Mitigation Division in National Environment Agency

Related Links

(As of 5 Jul. 2023)